Advanced Female HRT Clinical Application Training 

& Practical Clinical Coaching

Female HRT Training

Learn how to fully restore female hormones for optimal and sustainable hormonal balance.

Female HRT Training

What is Advanced Hormone Restoration?

Advanced hormone restoration is where a physician prescribes the right hormone replacement therapy system dosed in the right amounts and administers them in a manner that effectively and sustainably restores hormones to reproductive blood serum levels.

This is different than the standard of care low dose HRT which does not restore blood serum levels to pull a woman out of her hormone deficiency state. Low-dose HRT protocols keep women in a state of hormone deficiency and in need of drugs and supplements to manage the symptoms of hormone deficiency that otherwise would not exist if hormones were properly and fully restored.

Be a real hero for women and learn how to effectively and sustainably restore their hormones so they may never have to experience hormone imbalance or the side effects of hormone deficiency again. 

Female HRT Training

Balancing hormones is not easy but it could be if you knew how to prescribe the right hormone replacement therapy in the right amounts and the right manner.

Confidently balancing hormones for women requires knowledge, skill, and clinical support. It is one of the most rewarding things a physician can do not only for themselves but for patients as well.

We offer advanced female hormone replacement therapy clinical application training, practical hand-holding, patient referrals, and ongoing patient hormone balancing support.

Work as a part of a hormone-balancing team between you, the patient, and our professionally trained clinical hormone coaches.

Our hormone therapy prescribers and clinical hormone coaches are all on the same page and trained with one goal in mind — to get patients' hormones balanced to the Hormone Sweet Spot™ and keep them balanced.

Female HRT Training

Are you frustrated they didn't teach you how to balance hormones for women in medical school and left you to figure it out on your own?

Are you considering throwing in the towel with female hormone replacement therapy (HRT) because you can't seem to figure it out?

Are you finding out that the female HRT education from hormone conferences does not work in the clinic as they said it would?

Are you confused about what it means to "balance hormones" or at what point your patients' hormones are actually balanced?

Are you frustrated you can't get your female patients' hormones balanced no matter what HRT system you use?

Are you tired of calling the pharmacist for HRT direction when you know you should be the person running the show?

Are you annoyed that the HRT you prescribe stops working after a while (if it ever worked at all); and you don't know why, what to do about it, or what to say to your patients?

Are you frustrated you still have to prescribe drugs and supplements to manage symptoms the hormone therapy is supposed to fix?

Are you tired of patients telling you what hormones to prescribe and how to prescribe them but do so anyway because they appear to know more about HRT than you?

Are you tired of being in the dark about how to effectively & sustainably balance hormones for your female patients?

Female HRT Training

If you are experiencing any of these all too common frustrations and would like to be a better hormone doctor — get trained on how to prescribe HRT for your female patients that allow their brains and bodies to not only function but thrive.

Use the button below to book a brief consultation to discuss training options.


The Art & Science of Advanced Female Hormone Restoration


We thoroughly educate and train each of our physician students on how to fully restore hormones for women and men. 

There are ten core things you will learn that will give you a better chance to get your patient's hormones balanced to the Hormone Sweet Spot™ and keep them balanced there:

1. When — When is the right time to start hormone therapy? You will learn how to make this determination with organic clinical indicators and lab work.

2. What — You will learn exactly what hormones to initially prescribe and when to consider others.

3. Prepare — Gut microbiome symbiosis is paramount for optimal HRT. You will learn the five clinical patient categories and gut preparation for HRT.

4. Kind — Two kinds of HRT to consider, you will learn which is best for each patient.

5. Route — You will learn how to determine the best route of administration to prescribe; oral, transdermal, injection, patch, etc., for each hormone.

6. Method — You will learn how to intelligently administer hormones in a manner that mimics the natural rhythmic physiology of the female body. 

7. Dose — You will learn considerations when making dosage decisions, how much of each hormone to prescribe, and when and how much to titrate.

8. Assess — You will learn how to assess a patient’s hormones and correlate clinical indicators with lab levels to achieve the Hormone Sweet Spot™.

9. Goals — You will learn the clinical goals of obtaining physiologic hormone balance, and how to determine the Hormone Sweet Spot™ of each patient.

10. Sustain — You will learn how to sustain the Hormone Sweet Spot™, and how to restore hormone homeostasis if the patient ever falls out of balance.

Female HRT Training
Best Female HRT Training