Best Menopause Program

Female longevity medicine is advanced personalized preventive medicine powered by deep biomarkers of aging and longevity that encompasses the areas of biogerontology, geroscience, and precision, preventive, and functional medicine.

Best Menopause Program
Panacea Protocol

At Panacea Sciences, we developed an advanced functional medicine matrix designed to address the degenerative diseases of female aging that empower women to control how their brains and bodies age and perform.

Derived for over 20 years in an anti-aging medical clinic by seasoned female hormone specialists, the Panacea Protocol™ is the foundational model for all our programs.

It is a supercritical tool that gives women the power to control their longevity, happiness, mental and physical performance — and achieve and sustain their Hormone Sweet Spot™.

Panacea Protocol

16 Essential Elements


The Panacea Protocol™ consists of 16 Essential Elements that address nutrition, lifestyle, mindfulness, and hormone health that empower women to thrive to their fullest mental and physical ability. 

Each element was explicitly added after witnessing its clinical impact on female brain and body performance and longevity. 

Lifestyle Core


Nutrition Core


Fitness Core


Hormone Core


Best Menopause Diet

The Lifestyle Element addresses how lifestyle affects hormones and hormone production, how hormone levels impact lifestyle, and lifestyle tips and recommendations for getting to the Hormone Sweet Spot™.

Best Menopause Program

The Nutrition Element addresses nutrition for hormone balancing, how nutrition affects hormones and production, and nutrition tips and recommendations for getting to the Hormone Sweet Spot™.

Best Menopause Diet

The Fitness Element addresses how exercise impacts hormones and production, how hormone levels affect energy and metabolism, and exercise tips for getting to the Hormone Sweet Spot™.

Best Menopause Program

The Hormones Element addresses hormones such as estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid, cortisol, and melatonin, and their roles in obtaining the Hormone Sweet Spot™.

Best Menopause Diet

The Stress Element covers how stress affects hormones and hormone production, how hormones affect stress and the ability to cope, and stress tips and recommendations for getting hormones balanced.

Best Menopause Program

The Gut Element addresses dysbiosis and the gut microbiome, how the estrobolome affects hormone processing, and gut health tips & recommendations for gut and hormone balance.

Best Menopause Diet

The Body Element addresses how the female body responds to various hormone levels, and how the body shapes and morphs through the process to the Hormone Sweet Spot™.

Best Menopause Program

The Regulate Element focuses on the importance of menstrual cycle health, how to establish and maintain a healthy extended menstrual cycle, and how HRT is used to restore menstrual cycle function.

Best Menopause Diet

The Sleep Element addresses how sleep hygiene and the circadian rhythm affect hormones and human function, how hormones affect sleep, and sleep tips and recommendations for getting to the Hormone Sweet Spot™.

Best Menopause Program

The Diet Element addresses how food affects hormones, mental health, and longevity; foods that optimize human function, performance, and aging, and recommended diets for getting to the Hormone Sweet Spot™.

Best Perimenopause Diet

The Mind Element addresses meditation and mindfulness, their effects on hormones and performance, how hormones affect the brain and mental health, and mindful tips and recommendations for achieving the Hormone Sweet Spot™.

Best Menopause Program

The HRT Element addresses advanced hormone replacement therapy (HRT), diagnostic lab testing, the four-phase process of hormone restoration, and what to expect along the journey to the Hormone Sweet Spot™.

Best Menopause Program

The Relationships Element addresses how relationships affect female main sex and stress hormones, how hormones affect relationships, and relationship tips and recommendations for optimal hormone balance.

Best Menopause Diet

The Supplements Element addresses the role of pharmaceutical grade supplements, which supplements to avoid, and recommendations that enhance Hormone Sweet Spot™ achievement.

Best Menopause Diet

The Spirit Element discusses how hormones affect the spiritual health of a woman and her ability to make a personal connection with her inner self and spiritual tips and recommendations for achieving the Hormone Sweet Spot™.

Best Menopause Program

The Maintenance Element addresses the arrival of the Hormone Sweet Spot™, how to maintain optimal hormonal balance, know when hormones are no longer in balance, and what to do to get them back into balance.

Best Menopause Program

Our Unique HRT Approach 

One of the reasons the Panacea Protocol™ is a clinically effective tool for helping women achieve and sustain the Hormone Sweet Spot™ is that we use an advanced therapeutic dose rhythmic HRT approach designed for full restoration.

Conventional HRT are low dose therapies designed to keep hormones at sub-optimal levels that merely partially restore hormones — and are not sustainable.

We believe female main sex hormones should be fully restored to youthful, reproductive levels that send signals to the brain that favorably impact physical and mental functionality and performance.  

Best Menopause Program

Expand Yourself 


female hrt training

Physician & Physician Extenders

Learn the Panacea Protocol™ and how to prescribe advanced female HRT.

hormone coach training

Healthcare Practitioners & Health Coaches

Learn the Panacea Protocol™ and how to clinically coach female patients taking HRT.

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Perimenopausal & Menopausal Women

Enhance your longevity and happiness with our signature program.

Menopause Hormone Diet