A place of true hormonal balance.
The Hormone Sweet Spot™ is a place of true hormone balance where you cannot imagine feeling any better than you do mentally, physically, behaviorally, and emotionally — and your blood serum lab work concurs with how you feel.
It is in this place of true hormonal balance where most healthy women can reverse and prevent hormonal imbalance and its side effects for as long as they choose.

There is a formula and a clinical process to getting hormones balanced to the Hormone Sweet Spot™ and keeping them balanced there.
Each hormone has its own 'sweet spot' where it performs best. The goal is to get each unbalanced hormone into its perspective optimal lab range and sustain it there.
The Hormone Sweet Spot™ is measured by blood serum lab levels and a scored clinical indicator assessment, also known as The Hormone Balance Test.
Hormones are in the 'sweet spot' when hormone blood serum labs fall in a specific optimal range, and the clinical indicator score is suppressed under a particular number.
Once hormones are balanced in the Hormone Sweet Spot™, the goal is simply to maintain balance at those blood levels and clinical indicator score indefinitely.
This is what is known as, Optimal Hormone Homeostasis — where a woman can be truly happy, experience inner peace, and enhance longevity for as long as she chooses.
Isn't it about time you were happy most of the time for no real good reason?

If getting your hormones balanced to the Hormone Sweet Spot™ appeals to you, discover our Hormone Sweet Spot™ Program by clicking the link below.

Hormone Sweet Spot Physician Training

The Hormone Sweet Spot™ is a destination meeting certain clinical criteria. You can learn the technique and the process of full female hormone restoration for your patients suffering from hormonal imbalance.
As you are aware, medical school does not offer female hormone balancing classes so it's up to you to figure out how to help your female patients get enough of the right hormones.
We provide advanced female hormone replacement therapy application training and ongoing clinical hand-holding so you can effectively and sustainably balance hormones for your female patients. No more guessing.
If you are tired of trying to figure out how to effectively and sustainably balance female hormones on your own — consider our prescriber training program.

Hormone Sweet Spot Coach Training

The Hormone Sweet Spot™ is a clinical destination women are trying to achieve. There is a technique and a process for getting hormones fully restored that involves a three-way relationship between the clinical hormone coach, the Hormone Sweet Spot™ Physician, and the patient.
Learn the technique and the process of full hormone restoration clinical coaching women suffering from the side effects of hormonal imbalance.
The Hormone Sweet Spot™ Coach works directly with Hormone Sweet Spot™ Physicians helping their female patients taking HRT through the hormone balancing process to the Hormone Sweet Spot™.
If you are a healthcare practitioner or health coach who wants to help women balance their hormones and keep them balanced — consider our clinical hormone coach training and apprenticeship.
Take your hormone coaching skills and your practice to the next level.